10 Healthy Habits to Add To Your Daily Routine

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

With it being the start of the year and all, I thought it would be fun to share some of the little things I do on the daily to try to stay healthy, inside and out.  Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to go to bed earlier, exercise more, or watch less Netflix.  Cause we're all already doing that stuff, right?  Riiiiiight...  These are just some little things I've worked into my daily routine that make me feel lighter, faster, and better about my day.  Let me know if you give any of these a try and tell me in the comments what your favorite healthy habits for your daily routine are!

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

1 / start your morning off with warm lemon water

I start my mornings with this almost every day.  I sip it while I'm getting ready for work in the morning.  It aids digestion, boosts your immune system so you can better ward off cold and flu bugs, and helps keep your skin clear.  And these are just a few of the benefits!  I've found it's just a nice way to wake you up in the morning, too.  Squeeze a lemon (try to go for organic) directly into hot water and that's it!  Try to drink it on an empty stomach (yes, even coffee).

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

2 / read To learn More About Your Passions & Get Inspired

No, checking your emails does not count.  If you're like me, you like reading but somehow never do it consistently.  So I try to make it a goal to read at least one thing that I can learn from or draw inspiration on every day.  It could be anything from an article in Bon Appétit on the latest food trend, a chapter of that book I've been trying to finish for a year, or catching up on one of my favorite blogs.  It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you find it interesting and it inspires you.  I've been reading a page or two from Eat Pretty Every Day lately an I'm loving it.

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

3 / take a shot 

... of apple cider vinegar.  ACV, not unlike lemon water, is also great for clarifying your skin, boosting your immune system, your digestive system, and can aid in weight loss.  You can even gargle it if you have a sore throat.  And although it's a great addition in a vinaigrette, I've found the easiest way to get my daily dose is to add a tablespoon to a small glass of water and knock it back.  If you're not ready to go quite so hardcore, try adding it to a shot of juice like pineapple or orange and add a sprinkle of cayenne. Just make sure you buy the organic unfiltered kind, which contains the "mother" and is full of all the good probiotics.  

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

4 / sip on bone broth

If you aren't familiar with bone broth yet, I'm sure you've at least heard about it by now.  Although this nutritional powerhouse has been around for centuries, it's sky-rocketed to popularity in the last couple of years and for good reason.  Bone broth, made by simmering the bones of leftover meat (my favorite is chicken but beef and pork are great too) and vegetables long and slow to extract every last bit of minerals, nutrients, gelatin and collagen from the bones.  And as you might guess, bone broth is excellent for your bones and joints as well as aiding in growth of hair and nails.  You can certainly use it as you would traditional stock or broth in a soup but my favorite way is to warm some up on the stove and customize it with fresh herbs, Himalayan pink salt, turmeric, a splash of apple cider vinegar and plenty of black pepper.  It aids in sleep too so I like to sip on it before bed instead of tea, sometimes.  I haven't quite gotten into making my own just yet but I've heard it's very easy.  I'm lazy so I like these brands: Epic and Bonafide Provisions.  Try to find high-quality pasture-raised or organic broths.  

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

5 / sauerkraut, not just for hot dogs 

Gut health, guys.  Like kombucha,  sauerkraut is so good for digestion and gut health.  Quite simply, sauerkraut is fermented cabbage, which is full of probiotics and good bacteria.  It's a super easy and delicious way to get in your daily dose of probiotics.  I love to add a scoop to nourish bowls, on sandwiches or in wraps, and even green smoothies!  Make sure to get raw and organic.  If it's pasteurized, it loses all the good bacteria!

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

6 / sneak turmeric in everything

Turmeric is another ancient spice that's been used for its healing powers for centuries.  It has anti-inflammatory properties so it's great for joint and muscle pain but it can also aid in clearer skin, improved memory, and more restful sleep.  And it's incredibly versatile to use.  You can either use dried and ground turmeric or most grocery stores have it in fresh form, now too!  It looks similar to ginger in that it's a knobby little root but it's bright orange inside!  You can sprinkle it on roasted veggies, in hummus, smoothies, soups, and it's especially good in golden milk.  I've got an awesome recipe for golden milk chocolates!

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

7 / pull out your colored pencils 

I have been meaning to start coloring in an "adult coloring book" (that sounds weird) for a while and I've just recently started doing it.  I received Adrianna Adarme's A Cozy Coloring Book for Christmas and I'm obsessed!  Each page is so pretty and bonus: there's 40 awesome recipes, too!  It is so relaxing, especially if you're just chilling in front of the TV in the evening before bed.  Try it instead of scrolling through social media or having your eyeballs locked on a little screen.

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

8 / add some collagen

I first heard about incorporating collagen into your diet last Summer when I read that Jennifer Aniston adds it to her daily smoothie. Since her natural beauty seems to defy age and youth, I was intrigued.  Turns out collagen is like the ultimate beauty secret weapon.  Consuming high-quality collagen every day can help strengthen your skin by increasing elasticity, helping you look more youthful and radiant.  It's also been shown to help your hair grow thicker and healthier, too.  Collagen Peptides are also a great source of protein so it's a great addition to a smoothie!  I also love adding it to my coffee.  It has no flavor so it doesn't alter the taste of consistency of whatever you add it to.  My favorite one is made by Vital Proteins.  I really wanna try making some of Bakerita's homemade gummy bears using their Beef Gelatin soon!

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

9 / diffuse essential oils 

When I'm home, I'm almost always diffusing some kind of essential oil.  It not only creates a cozy atmosphere but the aromas of certain essential oils can have a really calming or energizing effect.  It's actually pretty amazing.  If I'm spending a Saturday or Sunday cooking and shooting content for the blog, I love diffusing oils like orange, grapefruit, or peppermint (my current fave!) to keep me alert and focused.  If I'm in the mood for something more calming and relaxing, I'll go with something more warming like Cinnamon, Chamomile, or Lavender.  And much as I love candles, it can be hard to find ones made with natural waxes that don't contain toxins and that I actually like the scent of!  A diffuser is a little more cost-effective because you just fill it up with filtered water and add a few drops of oil. 

10 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Daily Routine | All Purpose Flour Child

10 / do a kindness

I know it sounds trite or cliche, but doing one small thing for someone else, whether your close friend or a random passerby, not only makes them feel good, but you too.  Give someone a compliment or leave a nice note or buy the person in line behind you a coffee.  Knowing you added a little bright spot in someone's day is bound to make yours better, too.  If you're having a crappy day, all the more reason to make someone else's better.