All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

I'm really excited to share this post with you guys today.  My hope is that you find it helpful or at least interesting.  I'm starting a new series called All Purpose Essentials where I share you guessed it: my essentials for various assorted subjects.  Today we're starting with the basics.  I compiled a list of my most used and favorite kitchen tools.  And man was it hard!  I didn't realize how many tools and gadgets I genuinely reach for often until I started pulling things for this post!  Some other posts I'm already working on in this series are my pantry staples and food styling props.  What other essentials would you like to see?  Tell me in the comments!


the workhorses //

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child
All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child
All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

Staub 5.5 QT dutch oven
This may be my favorite piece in my entire kitchen, even above my Kitchenaid mixer.  Staub is known for making high-quality, heavy-duty pieces that stand the test of time so even though it was spendy, I had no hesitation investing in this beauty.  It was on my wishlist for quite a while, too.  I imagine it sitting on my stove, many years from now, slightly worn but ever as useful.  I like the idea of it staying with me through all my culinary endeavors.  And man, is this thing the epitome of a work horse.  I use it ALL THE TIME.  I've roasted whole chickens in it, boiled my eggs in it, made sauces, soups, jams, and even baked homemade sourdough bread in it!  It does it all and the enamel-coated cast iron distributes heat so evenly for perfect cooking every single time.  It's oven-safe, too which makes it even more versatile.  The size is pretty great, too.  It's large enough for all sorts of different things without being so big and cumbersome that it's a chore to lug it out each time you need it.  I have my eye on many more Staub pieces to add to my collection (like this and this and these) but this is a great one to start with. And yes, it is damn pretty, too.  That said, there are definitely other brands that are equally beautiful and high-quality like Le Creuset and even Lodge. I'm just partial to Staub.

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

glass mixing bowls
These may seem kind of obvious but having heavy-duty glass mixing bowls are a must for me.  I love the variety of sizes and use them all for making any sort of sauce, salad, dough, batter, you name it!  And I would definitely recommend glass over plastic here as it's durable and will stand the test of time, where as plastic may become scratched and worn, and can even get into your food.  Gross.  I really like this one from Ikea, too.  So cute and the little pour spout makes it functional, too.




All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child
All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

Lodge 10 inch skillet + Lodge 12 inch skillet + Lodge Pro-Logic 12 inch skillet
I can't say enough good things about cast iron.  I recently made the switch to using almost all non-toxic cookware so I tossed all my non-stick/teflon-coated pots and pans except for one skillet, which I pretty much just use for eggs. Everything else I'm sautéing or cooking on the stove is almost always cooked in one of these babies.  There's a reason your grandma swore by a cast-iron vessel: it's tried and true.  They're very affordable and they'll last a lifetime.  Although I have 3 and use them all, if you're just getting started, that's totally not necessary.  I'd recommend starting with the 12 inch because it's a great size for a variety of things from searing steaks and other meats, roasting or sautéing vegetables, baking salmon, or baking biscuits or cornbread.  It's so handy that they can go from stove to oven, too.  The Pro-Logic one is nice, though because it has a more modern rounded shape which makes it easier to get in the sides of the pan when you're stirring things around. I'd recommend picking up a couple of these little guys, too.  They make cleaning up afterwards so easy.

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

I was lucky enough to inherit some high-quality stainless steel pots and pans from my mom and aunt when I moved out.  I don't use them too terribly often but they are a great alternative to non-stick if you're cooking something a little more delicate that may not be suited for cast iron if your skillet isn't 100% seasoned yet. Things like eggs or pancakes cook great in stainless steel. They're also oven-proof, which is a great plus.  You can find some similar ones here and here to the ones I have.

Dansk Kobensyle 2 QT saucepan
This was the saucepan I replaced my non-stick ones with when I tossed them and I am in love with it.  Leave it to the Danish to create the most beautiful cooking pot imaginable.  Minimal, functional, beautiful design.  With a 2 quart capacity, it's actually much bigger than it looks and the non-stick enamel coating is great for making all sorts of things.  I've already melted chocolate in it for a ganache and cooked a batch of farro.  The lid also doubles as a trivet.  Now that's genius design right there.  And just like my Staub Cocotte, it's also made to last for years so again, I feel ok in splurging a little more for something I'll have and cherish for a long time.

baking + roasting //

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

half sheet pan + quarter sheet pan
These guys get a ton of use in my kitchen.  I use the big one for roasting and baking pretty much everything from veggies to meatballs to cookies and scones.  The little one is perfect for just popping something small in the oven like toasting bread or just making a smaller batch for something.  My favorite ones (linked above) are made by Nordic Ware and they are sturdy and super affordable. 

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

wire cooling rack + round wire cooling rack
I use the big rectangular cooling rack for cooling things like cookies and cakes, obviously but it's also handy for allowing the excess of a glaze or drizzle on something to drip off baked goods (like a scone or bundt cake) and even for roasting something in the oven you want heat to circulate around all sides on, like sweet potato fries.  Just pop it on top of a half sheet pan and voila!  I use the smaller round one for cooling cakes or pies and honestly a lot in my photography because it's pretty! 

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

Staub baking dishes + Pyrex baking dish
If it isn't already obvious, I am OBSESSED with all things Staub.  I love these little baking dishes and use them a ton.  Just check out these posts here, here, and here!  They are great for baking things like breads and brownies, but they're also great for making ice cream and marinating meats.

I like the Pyrex one because a 9 x 13 inch pan is essential for making brownies and other bars, enchiladas, and all kinds of other things.  Plus it comes with a lid which is handy for traveling if you're making something to make and share.

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

loaf tin +  muffin tin + mini muffin tin
Having a couple loaf pans in your collection are great for making banana breads, cakes or a mini batch of bars.  

Muffin tins are great if you make muffins or cupcakes a lot.  I like using the mini one a lot, too.  They're great for holding little chocolate treats while they're firming up, like these.

Measuring + weighing //

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

assorted glass measuring cups
I highly recommend having at least a couple glass measuring pitchers, especially in varying sizes.  Glass is great not only because it's non-toxic but also because it's heatproof (just make sure it's tempered glass).  I use these all the time not just for measuring liquid ingredients for recipes but also for whisking up sauces or melting things like coconut oil or butter. You honestly can't go wrong with Pyrex, it's timeless, durable, and affordable

measuring cups + measuring spoons
Measuring spoons and cups are a must, especially if you're into baking.  I prefer metal to plastic because again non-toxic but also they are nice and sturdy. These ones are so pretty and heavy duty but I also have a more affordable set from Target here and here and I love them, too!

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

digital scale
This is an essential for sure if you bake.  Measuring by weight rather than volume ensures exact measurements.  I often refer back to European recipes, which are almost always written with measurements in grams.  I also use it to measure out the flour and water when I feed my sourdough starter every week and it's handy for weighing things like chopped chocolate.

candy thermometer + meat thermometer
A candy thermometer is a great tool to have if you ever make candy like this or caramel sauces or you like to deep-fry things on occasion.  A meat thermometer is handy for checking the internal temperature of meats (duh), especially poultry and pork, since you can get sick if they don't reach the minimum cooking temp.

Stirring | whisking | scooping | swirling | flipping //

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

assorted whisks
I have an embarrassing amount of whisks. The above photo is just a sampling.  But guess what, I use them ALL!  I love using the little guys for whisking up little sauces and vinaigrettes and the big ones for batters, eggs, etc.  The silicone-coated one is handy for using in my enamel-coated pots so I don't scratch the coating.

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

fish spatula + microplane
I bought the fish spatula out of necessity.  I needed a metal spatula that was heatproof for flipping things in my cast-iron skillets.  Contrary to the name, though, it's great for all kinds of stuff besides just fish, like cookies, and anything you're roasting in the oven. My microplane is one of my hands-down favorites.  I use it all the time for grating parm, garlic cloves, ginger, and any sort of citrus zest.  It's priceless.

mini mesh strainer + spider
The mini strainer is handy for straining out things with seeds and for dusting powdered sugar over treats. The spider is awesome for fishing things like boiled eggs out of boiling water or fried things out of hot oil. It's like a slotted spoon only better.

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

ice cream scoops
I use these for scooping exact amounts of batter for things like cookies and muffins.  It makes it super easy and less messy than spoons.  It's nice to have different sizes depending on what size treat you're making.

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

assorted wooden spoons
I love using wooden spoons for stirring around stuff I'm sauteing in a skillet, stirring a soup or sauce over the stove, and countless other things.  The ones linked above I used to make my DIY painted ones here but I also love the ones from Crate + Barrel here.  They're made in France and super durable.

rubber spatulas
I'm a weirdo about not wasting a drop of batter or dough so I always like to scrape out every last drop of something.  Rubber spatulas are the best for that. I love the mini ones at Target, too.

One Hit Wonders But so handy //

I pride myself on not having a ton of useless gadgets.  Maybe it's just because I have limited space and I hate clutter but I just don't understand the point of having a bunch of stuff with only one purpose.  They all kinda remind me of as-seen-on-TV gimicky kinda stuff that can usually be replaced with a good knife.  Garlic press? Why, when I have a sharp knife?  Strawberry huller?  How about a paring knife.  Avocado or mango pitter? Apple slicer?  Guess what I could use instead of those?  A knife.  But, these here are the exceptions.  I love these one-use gadgets and I use them so much, I deem them worth it.  

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

I think we all know at this point that making noodles out of various vegetables is having a moment.  And for good reason: it's a fun and healthy way to replace pasta, as much as we all love it.  I actually had a more complicated vegetable spiralizer with a bunch of different attachments and a hand crank.  It was a pain to clean and I wasn't really impressed with the results, either.  I came across this simple little hand spiralizer and it is AMAZING.  It's so easy to use: you just twist whatever vegetable you're using (my fave is zucchini) and perfect, long vegetable strands come out the other end.  There's very little waste and it's so easy to clean!  I usually just rinse it off and toss it in the dishwasher.  It's really small so storing it isn't an issue, either.  I seriously can't recommend this gadget enough!  

citrus squeezer
I love this so much, I actually have two.  I've mentioned it before, but I drink hot lemon water while I'm getting ready for work every morning and these things are a lifesaver.  They get every drop of juice out of lemons or limes (or even smaller oranges) and hold the seeds back.  I also just use lemon in a lot of my cooking so these really come in handy and they make juicing efficient and contain the mess.  Win-win!

Dansk butter warmer
Ok, I'm cheating a little here because this isn't actually a one-use item but it is specific and kind of an extra.  But I love it!  I originally bought it to mostly use as a prop in photos but I have ended up using it a ton for warming up bone broth to sip on, almond milk for making golden milk, melting coconut oil or ghee, and even melting chocolate or warming honey. It's two of my favorite things: beautiful and functional.

storing //

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

mason jars
I will be the first to say it: I'm addicted to jars.  Of all sorts of sizes, shapes, and varieties.  I don't discriminate.  I use them for storing all kinds of leftovers as well as a lot of my baking ingredients like nuts, flours, and sugars.  My most-used ones are probably the 1 pint wide-mouth size.  I take oatmeal and yogurt to work in them for breakfast and use them as drinking glasses, too.  I know, how hipster of me.

glasslock containers
I keep and store leftover food and meal-prepped items in these as well as taking my salads for lunch to work in them.  I ditched all my plastic tupperware and use just these now and I love them.

stasher bags
These are so cool!  They are basically a silicone re-usable baggie.  They are a healthy and less wasteful alternative to plastic zip-lock bags, which I do still use but much less often now.  I use them to store leftover avocado halves, for toting snacks like sliced apples or nuts to work, and anything you'd normally toss in a plastic bag.  They are diswasher safe too so they are a breeze to clean.  They come in a few different sizes and I'm eyeing this set here.

appliances  //

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

blender + food processor
I'm just gonna come right out and say it.  She ain't pretty.  I know it's not all about looks but if I'm being honest, aesthetics are important to me.  Especially with a small kitchen, a lot of the stuff I use is out on my countertops or open metro shelving so if I have to look at it all the time, I want it to be pretty.   I don't think you should have to sacrifice aesthetics for utility.  I believe the design of a piece should be both beautiful and functional. That said, there's a thing called budget so sometimes compromising is necessary.  While there are things I like about my Ninja, I honestly wouldn't recommend it, but I linked it in case you're still interested because I do know some people that like it.  But in my experience, I've only had it a little over 2 years and I've had to replace the pitcher three times!  Three!  It cracks if you blend ice, which, in my humble opinion, should not happen with a blender. The overall design is clunky and the pitcher can be annoying to clean because of all the crevices and the motor is FREAKING LOUD. Like, sometimes I have to cover my ears if I'm blending frozen fruit or something.  It sounds like I'm blending up gravel or rocks.  

That said, there are things I do like about it. The blade comes out which makes it convenient for cleaning.  The pitcher is big so I can make huge batches of things in one go.  It came with 3 smaller bullet-style containers to blend things in, which is handy if I've dirtied the big pitcher and I want to make a smoothie or quick sauce or something.  And my favorite thing: it has a separate food processor pitcher that connects to the same motor base, which is great for my little kitchen right now.  One base and two appliances is nice.  But a Vitamix is still on my wishlist.  After using my mom's a lot, I can say it's just better.  It is prettier for sure, too but the motor is stronger and it blends things a lot more smoothly, too.  Here's the one I've been eyeing.  

All Purpose Essentials | Kitchen Tools | All Purpose Flour Child

Kitchenaid hand mixer + Kitchenaid stand mixer 
The stand mixer seems to be like the ultimate eye candy for a kitchen counter.  It's definitely not an essential for everyone, but if you're fairly into cooking and baking, I say go for it.  I use mine a ton for a variety of baking projects but it's especially nice for when you're whipping or kneading things for an extended period of time.  I haven't branched out into all the attachments you can get for it but I like knowing I have the option.  And have you seen the mini one they have now?!  So dang cute and perfect if you don't have the space for a larger one. Personally, this bad boy will be my next one.

The hand mixer is perfect for whipping up whipped cream, egg whites, mashed potatoes, or even just cookie batter.  I don't use mine too terribly often but it definitely comes in handy when I need it. 

So, what are your kitchen essentials?  I'd love to hear them! 

*this post contains some affiliate links