Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits

Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child

Rhubarb is here!  I managed to get my hands on the first of the season and I wanted to make something breakfasty and kinda light. Boom, yogurt parfait!  

I had plans to make these double-duty and have them for breakfasts all week at work but I came down with I think the worst cold/flu I've ever had so I pretty much laid on the couch in and out of consciousness all week instead.  Boo.  I managed to get this shoot done on Saturday before I was really sick but the last thing I wanted to eat while coughing 24/7 was dairy so these poor little parfaits sat in my fridge.  I made them again for this week, though, and man are they good!  They're bright and a little tart and creamy and not too sweet.  The perfect little Spring breakfast!

One good thing that came out of my sick stupor was I found The Wonder Years on Netflix!  Did anyone else watch that show?  I remember watching it but I was really little when it was actually airing so I must have just watched re-runs after it went off the air but I forgot how much I love it!  The point of view of Kevin narrating his adolescence is hilarious.  And I totally didn't realize Marv from Home Alone is the narrator!  (I know he has an actual name but he'll always be Marv to me).  And I love that it's set in the 70's, of course.  Anyway, I hope you love these little Springy parfaits as much as I do!  

Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits

serves 4

2 c rhubarb, roughly chopped
2 c strawberries, quartered
2 T honey
zest of half a lemon
pinch of salt
2 c plain whole milk yogurt
granola of choice (here's my go-to)

Preheat oven to 375.  In a large bowl, toss together the rhubarb, strawberries, honey, lemon zest, and salt.  Lay out in a single layer in a parchment-lined baking sheet.  Roast for about 25-30 minutes, until fruit is juicy and tender.  Allow to cool completely. 

To assemble the parfaits, layer a 1/4 cup of yogurt, top with a large spoonful of rhubarb and strawberries, another 1/4 cup of yogurt and another large spoonful of rhubarb and strawberries.  Top with a generous sprinkle of granola.

Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child
Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child
Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child
Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child
Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child
Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child
Roasted Rhubarb + Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits | All Purpose Flour Child